Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Exercise 21 - FINAL EXERCISE - Update iWeb site from 1st semester


The final exercise is due by Monday May 20 (Period 4) or Tuesday (Period 1, 3, 7).

Update your iWeb site you created from 1st semester with the content you created in 2nd semester.

-  Adobe Indesign content (you may have to open and save for web)
-  Adobe Flash content
-  Logo Design
-  Package Design.

25 Points.

Remember to publish the site from iWeb and call the site period#_lastname_firstname_21x

A new folder will be created, turn in that folder.


Go to this link...

Here is the Code I had to use on my iWeb on my computer...See how it is pointing back to my folder? 

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="550" height="400" align="middle"> <param name="movie" value="/Users/paul_komar_030570/Documents/QUARTER 4/Exercise 18 - Motion Tweens/bat_ghost_motion.swf"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"> <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" width="550" height="400" align="middle" src="/Users/paul_komar_030570/Documents/QUARTER 4/Exercise 18 - Motion Tweens/bat_ghost_motion.swf"" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object>

The part that he says to make a "link" to another website, you have to point to your file on your computer.  Find the "address" by using Finder...put that address in as the URL that is listed in the instructions.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Exercise 20 - Package Design, Due May 16

If you have finished your may begin package designs.  Use Adobe Illustrator (and Photoshop if you use photos) and the templates found in the Mr. Komar Shared folder to create your own folded box designs.

You must create 2 packages that will print out on an 8.5" x 11" printout.  Both packages must be in the SAME FILE.

1.  Use 2 templates found in Mr. Komar Shared folder, OR go find your own templates.  (There are many out there)
2.  Use Adobe Illustrator (and Photoshop if you use photos).
3.  Use the Logo you designed for Exercise 12 (or a new one).
4.  Packages must use color, custom fonts and clear information to be able to tell what it is.  Be creative with what is displayed and what is "hidden"
5.  Save file as to the Mr. Komar Drop Box.  (Remember, 2 boxes into 1 file!)

Due May 16, 50 Points

See more package design awards at

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Animations in Flash 4 - YOUR OWN ANIMATION, Due May 8


Now that you have gone through the steps to learn how to make animations, show us what you can do.

The requirements for the animation are the following:

1.  Be at least 5 seconds long.
2.  Have at least 3 moving items.
3.  Have at least 1 piece brought in from Photoshop or Illustrator.

You will get extra credit if you can show that the animation relates to another class!  (For example, an animation that illustrates something in your science class.)

Save the file as period#_lastname_firstname_19x.fla