Monday, September 17, 2012

Exercise 6 -- Map making -- The last exercise for the Quarter! Due September 26

The final exercise for the quarter will be to make a map in Adobe Illustrator.

Maps have obviously been a source of information for thousands of years.  Map making is the "world making" on a flat two dimensional surface.  The map maker is more than merely providing information, but as a designer laying out the lines and surfaces that will recreate this world for viewers.

Below are three examples of maps made in Adobe Illustrator:

1.  Disneyland Park

2.  London subway (aka London Tube)

3.  Reid Park Zoo

Your assignment is to make a map in Adobe Illustrator of one of the following locations.  Your map must include the following:  A title, at least 3 buildings (or structures), some text in a box, more than a couple colors giving the map life.  

Here are 5 places you can choose.
1.  Washington D.C. Mall 
2.  Teotihicuan, Mexico
3.  Tucson High School 
4.  Tatooine (City of Mos Eisley)
5.  Park Place Mall

Remember -- The assignment is due September 26

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